
In the VORT-EX Group, the state-of-art multi-dimensional (time and space) electron microscopy techniques, including ultrafast transmission electron microscopy (UTEM), aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy (AC-STEM), in-situ environmental TEM, and three-dimensional (3D) electron tomography are developed and applied to characterize materials. Unique capabilities in the VORTEX group opens many possibilities to understand physics behind advanced materials. The VORTEX Group is affiliated with the Materials Science and Engineering and Institute of Materials Science at the University of Connecticut.

We aim to push the limits of electron microscopy and apply these state-of-the-art techniques to solve key issues in materials, condensed matter, chemistry, and nanoscience. We also utilize modeling techniques, such as finite element analysis, to interpret the experimental results by providing theoretical insights into the system under investigation. Some of the materials that we focus on are heteregeneous catalysts, nanomaterials, energetic crystals and composites, metal alloys, polymers, and low dimensional materials, such as 2D materials.